what is brumation

They will be minimally active and will not eat during this time. Many of these concerning conditions center around a lack of appetite, which, as we have already learned, is an indicative feature of brumation. Brumation is best described as hibernation for bearded dragons. Brumation is triggered in late autumn with reduced daylight hours and lower daytime temperatures. The truth is, there’s no such thing — your beardie is either brumating or it isn’t, simple as that. We’d compare it to entering into hyper sleep like in a science fiction film, although it’s certainly not as extreme as that. This is just to check your dragon’s overall health, as well as to run some basic fecal/parasite tests, to help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Brumation is the reptile version of hibernation, lasting about 3-4 months each year, typically around fall or winter. This is one of the most worrying symptoms for beardie owners, but combined with an increase in sleep, is indicative of brumation. What should I do if my pet reptile happens to enter a state of brumation? Their body temperature is dependent upon their surroundings and they absorb the heat accordingly. If this is your first time experiencing bearded dragon brumation, then your vet will also be able to give you sound advice on navigating the process. Brumation during the cold season may also be regarded as a time for males to become fertile and produce sperm. Actually, the brumating process which is quite similar to hibernation is a naturally occurring cycle that a lot of beardies can go through to adapt to the changing of seasons. It’s a natural part of the life cycle of the bearded dragon. Always consult a licensed veterinarian in case of emergency. During a reptile brumation, the snake may not eat, drink, defecate, or move for several weeks at a time. Typically, a bearded dragon will seek out water when it needs it even if it is still very much asleep. This is by far the most common misconception surrounding beardie brumation and is a term that is even thrown around in many online reptile groups. Hiding in the Shade. As with mouth rot, parasites can be easily treated by your vet. Again, brumation time will vary based on the reptile’s environment. Should I allow my pet to go into a state of brumation? There are several different ways to do this, and put simply, your goal is to mimic the winter environment that causes brumation in the wild. Technically speaking, because our beloved pets have heat lamps, basking areas and temperature controlled environments within our homes, your pet reptile should have no need to brumate. During this period the bearded dragon is able to live off their built up internal nutritional reserves. This process can last for one to three months and helps them survive the colder seasons when hunting and survival are both difficult. It is a survival instinct to help them make it through the harsher, less abundant winter months. Breeding in reptiles is not an exact science and some maintain that brumation is not necessary at all. In the wild, this period of brumation will last until the warmer months come, bringing with it more plentiful water supplies, and newly hatched insects to eat. Well, as you read what happens below, think of the love you have for your pet – perhaps it’s your sweet & snobby cat, loyal dog, or smart bird. Check on your beardie daily, but on the whole, just let them sleep. In the wild, it’s a behavior that helps reptiles survive cold spells. We’ll share some interesting snake ‘hibernation’ facts. The beardie wants to go into brumation, but is being kept from doing so by their owner. Over this period you should also start offering your beardie less and less food, thus mimicking the reduction of available insects a beardie would face in the wild. So let’s explore this behavior a little, and see if we can’t explain away some of the … It is because of this that it is so vital that bearded dragon (beardie) owners know the signs of brumation, so they can help to keep their beloved bearded dragon as happy and healthy as possible. They won’t eat much, will barely move around, won’t bask, and will stick to dark and cool areas. Whether or not you wish to induce brumation for any reason is up to each individual owner or breeder. This is an excruciatingly worrisome time for the parents of lizards! Set up a dedicated location for brumating your leopard geckos. Questions or concerns? This will help closely mimic the underground holes that wild bearded dragons will seek out for protection from predators and the elements. Such signals include changes in temperature, humidity, air pressure, and more. This means its temperature is reactive to its environment. In captivity, there is truthfully not much reason for a reptile to enter a state of brumation since we monitor the temperature of their enclosures very closely. You’ll learn what brumation is, why snakes brumate and if it’s common to all snakes. On the surface they appear to be about the same, however there … This can cause your bearded dragon discomfort, leaving them feeling sluggish and under the weather. This is because brumation can kill a sick or malnourished dragon. While the aim of this article is to inform and not panic, knowing these potential concerns will help you be able to take decisive action if you feel brumation is not what is occurring with your beardie. One of the other methods, which is quite popular among bearded dragon owners, is to place your beardie in a bath once a week. What is the Difference Between Leucistic and Albino? In captivity, although brumation would be very closely monitored, there are still health risks for the animal. As brumation, especially when experienced by owners for the first time, can be a stressful and worrying time, there are often all sorts of questions beardie owners commonly ask. One of the conditions that bearded dragon owners dread most, the symptoms of parasites can be quite similar to those of brumation. The average answer most resources state for the length of brumation is anywhere from a few weeks to four months. Colder environments for longer durations means a longer period of brumation. In the wild, many reptiles do not awake from brumation. Without it — again, in theory — they may become sterile over time. In the wild, brumation allows the bearded dragon to more easily survive the winter, when temperatures drop and food is less plentiful. Most of us know that reptiles are ectothermic, AKA cold-blooded, and therefore cannot maintain a constant body temperature without the help of external sources. It is a dormant period for reptiles where their bodies shut down and conserve energy for the coming year. Brumation typically happens in beardies over a year old and can last anywhere between a few weeks and around four months. Moisture can cause issues such as scale rot or respiratory infections if repeated too often. In laymen’s terms, brumation is essentially the reptile equivalent of hibernation, with a few key differences. As long as you are aware of the signs of illness or problems and heed the correct steps for caring for a sleeping beardie, then they will wake up as though nothing ever happened. Another common misconception is that brumation can last as little as a few days to a week. It’ll also give you a chance to bond with your dragon, as it’s not uncommon for owners to miss their pet during longer brumation periods. Generally speaking, in the wild, this enables them to survive the cooler winter, when both food and heat are scarce. Because reptiles are ectothermic and rely on external sources to regulate body temperature, when the weather gets too cold for comfort, they go into a state of reduced activity in order to survive.