Mom is a purebred beagle, dad is a purebred cocker spaniel. Welsh Springer Spaniels were imported to America in the late 1800s and quickly gained popularity. Do you live in housing with noise restrictions? The Milwrmlaen Calon Lan Perpetual Trophy. Dogs with thick, double coats are more vulnerable to overheating. The English Cocker Spaniel is both playful and refined. At one time the English Springer Spaniel and the Cocker Spaniel were born in the same litter. Keith & Carla Vooris of Mystic Acres Welsh Springer Spaniels are breeders of champion Welsh Springer Spaniels. Welsh Springer Spaniel types were considered Land Spaniels. Although they’re purebred dogs, you may find Welsh Springer Spaniels in shelters or in the care of rescue groups. You can determine whether your Welshie is buying the right food, feeding your adult dog. They also don’t take well to staying home alone all day. Welsh Springer Spaniels have a naturally straight, flat, soft coat that is never wiry or wavy. The coat of the Welsh Springer Spaniel is fairly easy to maintain and regular brushing with a stiff bristle brush will be enough. DogTime recommends this dog bed to give a good night’s sleep to your medium-sized Welsh Springer Spaniel. In the UK, an English Cocker Spaniel is known simply as a Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful Cocker Spaniels breed with love, affection and caring . Their popularity soared after World War II. If you're considering a hound, would you find their trademark howls musical or maddening? Donated by Bill and Sylvia Crozier, Slyvkin Welsh Springer Spaniels (NSW) Walter Seymour Award . Shot O'r Baili, and Ch. Welsh Springer Spaniels became a favorite hunting dog of nobility during the 1700s, but in the 1800s, they were replaced by English Springers and other spaniels. Hardy, it was able to work in all types of weather and terrain, had great stamina on the hunt and could work for hours without resting. Bathe or dry shampoo only when necessary. We have a beautiful spot on the Fox River after which we have named our kennel. They never stop! Welsh Springer Spaniels were developed to have great stamina and energy. She has 8 gorgeous little red and white spaniels. You may also want to ask if your shelter or rescue has information about the physical health of your potential pup's parents and other relatives. In 1984, cocker spaniels were the number one breed registered with the American Kennel Club. Cocker Spaniels are very prone to getting ear infections and having lots of wax buildup in their ears. If you are interested in finding a Cocker Spaniel puppy to be part of your family, please visit the breeder pages and get in touch with them today - remember, popular breeders will often have long waiting lists for their puppies and may never display a puppies for sale advert. This is Gaby – she’s the mom to our pups. Weight: Males 40 - 45 pounds (18 - 20 kg) Females 35 - 45 pounds (16 - 20 kg). At one time all of these dogs were considered "Cockers" or "Cocking Spaniels" and were interbred. Their popularity soared after World War II. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Do you have young kids, throw lots of dinner parties, play in a garage band, or lead a hectic life? English Cocker Spaniel Breeders The English Cocker Spaniel is both playful and refined. If you've got a laid-back attitude toward slobber, fine; but if you're a neatnik, you may want to choose a dog who rates low in the drool department. After World War I, a new breed club was formed for Welsh Springers by Lt. Col. John Downes-Powell. Eventually, the breed was revitalized during the Victorian period in England. Nordic dogs such as Siberian Huskies were bred to range long distances, and given the chance, they'll take off after anything that catches their interest. That's more suited to their personality and attention span than boring repetition. They are located 30 minutes North of Raleigh, NC. Pay extra attention, however, when the dog is shedding. Some breeds are brush-and-go dogs; others require regular bathing, clipping, and other grooming just to stay clean and healthy. Bocker (Beagle/Cocker Spaniel) puppies for sale! Mouthy breeds tend to really enjoy a game of fetch, as well as a good chew on a toy that's been stuffed with kibble and treats. You can keep your senior dog active well into old age by providing them with joint supplements to fight the symptoms of arthritis. It's been four and a half years since we have had an English Cocker litter. Some breeds have hearty appetites and tend to put on weight easily. The Welsh Springer has a tendency to wander too far from the hunt field, and therefore it is necessary to give it constant training—beginning at about six months of age. Try giving your dog Glyde Mobility Chews to help them see you as a provider and to keep their joints healthy! The Welsh Springer Spaniel was given the name "Welsh Cocker." Welshies can be reserved around strangers, and early socialization is important to prevent timidity. She had 9 litters between 1926 and 1932. The Knightsbridge Cup donated by Robert Clark, Knightsbridge Sussex Spaniels, ESS (NSW) Best of Breed Welsh Springer Spaniel . You will never curb the hunting instinct in this dog, therefore working with his natural ability, rather than against it, will be in you and your dog's best interest. 6 talking about this. They're gentle around children if they grow up with them or are exposed to them when they're young, and they're affectionate toward their families. These dogs are sensitive to the tone of one's voice and will not listen if they sense that they are stronger minded than their owner, however they will also not respond well to harsh discipline. You may be surprised by who's on that list: Fierce-looking Boxers are considered good with children, as are American Staffordshire Terriers (which are considered Pit Bulls). Find 443 Cocker Spaniels for sale on Freeads Pets in Wales. His grandfather had also had Welsh Springers in the late 1800s. Welsh Springers are often purchased without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don't all need the same amount of food.