using japan drier

Japan Drier Classic wood finish General Purpose Blend Extra refined to remove odor, residue Pure gum artist grade thinner Excellent for spraying oil paint Architectural coatings blend Extremely pure Extremely pure Slower dry time than acetone Toluene substitute Speeds dry time in low temp/humidity Fuel. As I understand it, Japan Drier will accelerate the drying of oil based finishes. These oils when expose to air crosslink and make a hard finish. It was found that the addition of solvents such as mineral spirits, japan drier, and turpentine would speed linseed oil's drying time, making it a more useful product. I had a finish on an old garand that wasnt drying so I put on a light coat that I added a couple drops of Japan drier to and it set right up. This weekend i decided to paint my 1959 Daf 600. One thing nice about the Japan Drier- I have had success with it when I got over enthusiastic with the BLO and put a second coat on before the first had dried. Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark, or at least not effectively, but memory tells me that, in general "Japan Drier" is a loose term for metallic driers that can have different ingredients in different proportions. The hardener from Tractor Supply should definitely work better - Ive never used Japan Dryer before until this weekend. The name refers to "japanning", a term for the use of drying oils as an imitation or substitution for urushiol based Japanese … After all, what good is putting a preservative on your deck in the spring if you wouldn't be able to use it till the fall? I spent about 50 bucks on paint, acetone and Japan dryer. This naphtha-based additive doesn't come from Japan -- it gets its name from its ability to make an oil-based surface resemble Japanese lacquer. 3,473 Posts . Japan drier is a common lay term and generic product name for any oil drying agent that can be mixed with drying oils such as boiled linseed oil and alkyd resin paints to speed up "drying". I decided to use several coats of Tung Oil. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jan 26, 2018. Unlike petroleum based oils Linseed and Tung oils air polymerize to "dry", there is no solvent to evaporate. Help! Crown Japan Drier is a special blend of lead-free drying agents that accelerates the drying ability of oil-based paint and varnish. It sprayed good and dried to the touch in about 6 hours. Japan drier helped when you used linseed oil, but it would be a total disaster using it with a modern synthetic enamel. Use this product with oil-based paints, oil-based enamels and varnishes 3 quarts of royal blue thinned 50% with a cap full of Japan Dryer. In order to speed up the drying process, I was advised to add Japan Drier. There's no exact recipe for contents or precise use. Japan Drier is not generally recommended for fine arts applications because it has a tendency to yellow and darken oil colors over long periods of time. Here’s a tip I found on using Japan drier to speed the hardening of Linseed oil. This product speeds the drying time between coasts of finish, even in damp or cool weather. Add Japan Drier If you're painting with oil-based enamel, you can speed up the drying time by adding Japan Drier. So here I am with a can of pure tung oil from Lee Valley and a small container of Japan Drier and neither of these tells me the proportion that should be used to mix the two together. Japan drier goes back to the 1930's, when people would often mix their own paint, usually from boiled linseed oil and white lead / red lead. Grumbacher Japan Drier is a reliable alkyd resin-based liquid siccative intended for use by sign painters, artisans, and craftspeople. Didnt have to strip the stock.