magic longbow high alch

Alching is pretty much always a loss unless you spend a ton of time watching he GE and buying expensive dhide items at the right times with low buy limits. They're readily available (in over supply due to fletching) and arch at a small amount of loss. They alch for 138 loss each. Air battlestaves are barely 30gp loss each with a 14k buy limit, I always auto click maple longs (u) when I make a new account, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The magic shieldbow requires a Defence level of 50 and Ranged level of 50 or higher to wield. Welcome to the 99 Magic Guide. Once you reach level 55, you will be able to perform the High Alchemy spell. Then, on Page 3 we will explain how to use Ancient Magic spells to train to 99 magic. You can either purchase yew longbows and high alch them, or you can choose to fletch your own yew longbows, like I did, so you can make more profit from every High Alchemy you perform. One great place to train behind an object on multiple targets is on level 75 Ankous, located in the northeast room on level in the Security of Stronghold, which can be entered by going through the tunnel in the center of the mining rocks at Barbarian Village. Profit/Loss compared to GE: Profit +472. The magic longbow is a longbow fletched from magic logs. If you are a decent level in magic (70+) and you have 100+ combat, you would be getting very fast experience, as long as you find the a good world full of players playing Pest Control. PlatinumTokens will always be free. Grand Exchange items profitable with the High Level Alchemy (and Low Level Alchemy) spell. Quarter Month Week. Stackable: However, in my opinion, training to 99 magic of using Pest Control is a great way to get some fast experience and make quick Runescape GP. That may be true but all that ultimately matters is what can you alch for the least amount of money lost. This is a popular method for many players as you can withdraw items to alch as noted, meaning that you never have to stop to bank. Item Name High Alch Value Phoenix Crossbow 2 Crossbow 42 Shortbow 30 Longbow 48 Oak Shortbow 60 Oak Longbow 96 Willow Shortbow 120 Willow Longbow 192 Maple Shortbow 240 Maple Longbow 384 Yew Shortbow 480 Yew Longbow 768 Magic Shortbow 960 Magic Longbow 1536 Crossbow Bolts 1 Bronze Arrows 1 Iron Arrows 3 Steel Arrows 14 Mithril Arrows 38 Adamantite … It can also be made by players with level 85 Fletching by using a knife on a magic log granting 91.5 Fletching experience , and then using a bowstring on the unstrung magic longbow for a total of 183 Fletching experience . Info Buy Price. Magic longbow -- Grand Exchange stats for Old School RuneScape. This calculator is designed to help you plan magic training through alchemy. You have to do the math on certain items. High Alch. Good luck on your journey to 99 Magic and leave a comment if you need any further help! price: 1,294 gp: 30 days:-0.6%: 90 days:-3.8%: 180 days:-5.0%: Last price update: 89571 hours ago : Where/how to get: Use a Knife with a Magic log. Join the PlatinumTokens discord server! Values may have changed since we updated the wiki, so verify that your offer is more than 166 coins below the alchemy … Platinum Tokens. all i know is magic longbows and theyr like -80 per hi, RuneScape 2007 General, RuneScape 2007 General, Runescape 2007 Pictures, Videos & Progress Logs, Deadman Mode General To learn how to make your own runes, head over to the 99 Runecrafting Guide. High Alching to 99 Magic Once you reach level 55, you will be able to perform the High Alchemy spell. i made 10gp profit. Wear as much magic boosting gear you can, grab a couple thousand runes so you can perform around two thousand spells, or more. 0 Sell Price. Each of these ways require different levels of magic and are very different ways to train to 99 magic; however, using all three ways effectively will definitely get you 99 magic much faster than any other technique in the game. Players can make a magic longbow with a Fletching level of 85 by cutting an unstrung magic longbow from magic logs , granting 91.5 Fletching experience , and then stringing unstrung magic longbow with a bow string , granting a further 91.5 experience. There are many profitable items, but nobody wants to buy 120 items every 4 hours. Because nobody wants to waste their life away buying items for 3 months because the ge limits are so low. It may seem like a lot of spells; however, if you repeatedly perform the spell, you can easily do a couple thousands spells a day and get 99 magic in less than a month. Now that you know how to High Alch to 99 magic and even make some money training to 99 magic, continue onto Page 3 to learn how to use Ancient Magic spells to get 99 magic and Page 4 for the Pest Control guide to 99 magic.