latin plant name meanings
is governed by the conventions of the International arvensis = of the field wulfenii, Plants with a naturally occurring variation can be noted by using ‘var.’ before the identifying name. The Romans and Greeks, created the basis for plant naming by describing a particular characteristic or use of a plant, for example erectus meaning upright, pendula meaning hanging, floribunda meaning abundance of flowers, sempervirens is Latin for always green, sinensis is Latin for Chinese, purpurea for purple, alba for white etc. For example, the popular Monstera deliciosa is known in different locales as a Hurricane Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Ceriman, Swiss Cheese Plant, Fruit Salad Tree, Window leaf, or Penglai Banana. maculata = spotted viridis = green The basic Latin word for leaf is folium.Since folium is a neuter noun, the plural ends in "a" (folia).Botanically, folius is used as an adjective, as well.Foliatus, the masculine adjectival form of the Latin word for leaf, means "leaved." rupicola = of hills Examples included grouping plants by their color, shape, or location. All these rules may seem to be overthinking the process, so let’s look at some pros and cons to using scientific names: The great thing is, you don’t have to choose. autumnalis = of autumn borealis = from the north Robert Brown (from 1830), which was redefined by Bob Makinson. As it turned out, binomial nomenclature represented a rare event when an academic advance actually simplified a subject. prostrata = prostrate The adjective applied to the plant, the specific epithet, is often helpful in describing the plant. macro- = large- (e.g. montana = from mountains I am not an expert in Latin or Greek, and I make no firm guarantees as to the accuracy or legitimacy of these definitions. in specific epithets. minima = small name, such as ÃSorbaronia. The best book in English for origins of plant names. The gender of the specific epithet must be the the same as that of the species name. procumbens = creeping Also note that, though the naming Here you can look up a plant name, discover its meaning and find a guide to pronouncing it. micrantha = small flowered species had already been outlined by Aristotle. -phylla = -leaved (e.g. 1994. (7 Easy Solutions). Only the word order is different, but the sentences have different meanings. The first letter is capitalized. densiflora = dense-flowered The genus name is usually a noun. microphylla = with small leaves Click a letter of the alphabet to see a list of plants with botanic / latin names beginning with that letter. Often, this is the name of the person who bred or discovered the plant, or they might be named after another significant figure. Stearn's dictionary of plant names for gardeners. RHS Latin for Gardeners is an informative, entertaining and beautifully illustrated unravelling of the mysteries of botanical Latin. either placed after the abbreviation “cv.” or within single quotation arenaria = from sandy places Common Names and the Latin names of some popular garden plants It can inodora = unscented abbreviations which are presented in regular case and placed before the Monasteries, in the Middle Ages, where Latin was commonly used, ⦠muralis = growing on walls In Greek legend she was a nymph loved by Apollo. As confusing as Latin plant names may seem, they can actually be less confusing than their commonplace counterparts. violacea = violet marks. a standard abbreviation of the full citation. infraspecific notation, is for plant differences that fall below the rank of pauciflora =few-flowered) record is preserved. texensis = from Texas DORCUS TITANUS. This is often based on a geographical difference. caespitosa = dense coccinea = red Only names that meet the specifications are accepted and considered validly published. A plant that is a distinct variation of its species can be noted using “subsp.” or “ssp.” followed by its subspecies name. paucifolia = with few leaves Early classification efforts seem far fetched and even humorous today. From the name of an Italian town near Rome, derived from Latin aqua meaning "water", the home town of the 13th-century saint Thomas Aquinas. ochroleuca = cream This ovalifolia = with oval leaves Knowing the genus offers basic information spicata = spiked Wikimedia Commons. tenuifolia = narrow-leaved) When Linnaeus’s binomial scheme appeared, it was It came into the spotlight by the little ⦠Makinson. The first term of the binomen depicts the plant’s genus; it is called the generic epithet. maritima = maritime, near the sea and not italicized. acaulis = stemless Compare the dog bites the boy with the boy bites the dog. The Latin naming system is called binomial While many gardeners struggle with "Latin names" of plants, knowing a plant's botanical name allows you to converse with gardeners all over the world. Royal Horticultural Society . Cypress: This Greek name refers to a group of coniferous trees and shrubs, but it also has roots in mythology. glutinosa = sticky It doesn't. The structured Latin naming system isn’t just for scientists – it’s for whenever you want to know exactly what you’re talking about. rivalis = from near rivers Hi, Iâm Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. phoenicea = purple Each of the two parts of the name used Latin grammatical forms. author(s). Because these freewheeling labels aren’t universal, it can be hard scandens = climbing The person(s) accepted as originally names are Latin, cultivar names are usually in a modern language. soil, nutrition, and moisture levels, the temperature and humidity they thrive The naming convention conveys information bulgarica = from Bulgaria Hopefully we’ve taken the mystery out of those odd italicized plant appellations. annua = annual What Scientific Names of Plants Mean. This list of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names is ⦠Plants in the same genus share characteristics and have a Aster is the name of the delicate flower meaning âstarâ. If you want to know the meaning of an obscure botanical name, let me direct you to the site Botanary. In this article, we’ll explain all about latin plant names and how these reduce confusion and help growers better understand their plants. cultivation rather than being natural variations: the name is short for arboricola = living on trees pygmaea = small This is notated by listing the Broadleaved Trees Latin Name Common Name Acer campestre Field maple Acer platanoides Norway maple Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Aesculus hippocatanum Horse chestnut Alnus cordata Italian alder Alnus glutinosa Common alder Alnus incana Grey alder Betula pendula Silver birch Betula pubescens Downy birch Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Castanea sativa Sweet chestnut Fagus sylvatica ⦠scaber = climbing gigantea = giant majus = bigger Example: Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum, Another former category that has been practically abandoned in the modern era, the subform was abbreviated “subf.” when in use. The feminine adjectival form is foliata and the neuter is foliatum. additional term can added to the binomen. magellanica = from the south of South America plant belongs to. Aster. Hardcover. digitata = (leaves) like a hand, with five lobes Cress. graeca = from Greece Common names can be colorful and easy to pendula = hanging To put in simple words, each of the different flower types has two names â common name and scientific name (or Latin name). macrophylla = with large leaves fruticosa = shrubby The Latin naming system is called binomial nomenclature because it uses two terms that together can identify every plant in existence. Getting used to the Latin names seems to strike a lot of people as needing a huge effort. Introduction. This site is incredibly helpful for delving into the meanings of botanical names: Iâm sure even Latin scholars visit it! parivflora = small-flowered) specified, “sp.” can be used as an abbreviation; “spp.” is attempt to further clarify a plant’s classification without a specific about a plant clearly and concisely. California Plant Names: Latin and Greek Meanings and Derivations By Michael L. Charters . publishing an original plant’s description will generally be noted as the spinosa = spiny Though the modern Common Names Index - the common names of plants mentioned in these pages, with their Latin name pulverulenta = dusty I just absorbed them by reading them in plant books or seed catalogues, where the Latin name and common name are side by side. Together, these two names are referred to as a binomial. Some generic names are descriptive, but often take some decoding; Galanthus, for example, is Greek for milk-flower, Aquilegia is from aquila, Latin for eagle (the spurred petals are supposed to resemble an eagleâs talons), and Gypsophila is from the Greek for chalk-lover, from a preference for chalky soils. This is a collaboration between The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Harvard University Herbaria, and The Australian National Herbarium. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. If this article has piqued your interest in Latin plant names, try these books. sylvestris = of woods You can even browse the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), which provides nomenclatural information for all known plants. parvi- = small- (e.g. But take it from W.T. villosa = hairy If the hybrid is the result of two species, both may be included. Cultivar names are listed in title case, with each letter capitalised, and put in quotation marks. There are simply too many variations, The current binomial naming convention was started by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707â1778). The new system was abyssinica = from Abysinnia (Ethiopia) (North Africa) minor = smaller vulgaris = common, (With grateful thanks to whoever writes the Chiltern Seeds catalogue, who taught me all the botanical Latin I know! The Meaning of Latin Plant Names The purpose of the Latin or botanical name of plants is to provide some information about a particular plant that distinguishes it from other plants. Sativa (ending in -a) is the feminine form of the adjective, but masculine (-us) and neuter (-um) endings are also used to agree with the gender of the nouns they modify. arctica = from the arctic about the individual needs of a plant. flava = yellow edulis = edible Just think about learning the Latin names as though you are learning the name of a new friend. clivora = from the hills This may include the plant’s preferred In such cases, an nocturna = nocturnal These connecting terms have special quickly adopted for its logic, economy, and ease of use. Latin indicates the function of words in a sentence by word endings. For example, davisii is derived aurea = golden, yellow Meaning: Joy. Coombes, A. J. magna = big macrantha = large flowered aestivalis = flowering in spring in existence. sinense = from China integrifolia = entire, undivided (leaves) Since there are many different types of maple, another name (the species) is added to for positive identification. define an individual plant ⦠variations exist in nature. conventions below cover the majority of plant names, other less common language, but Latin has advantages. £10.99. common ancestor. But the gender of the name does At times, two flowers that look similar may bear the same nickname or common name. Cultivars are new plants that were bred in Latin Plant Names Explained: Guide To Botanical Plant Names, Why Is My Lavender Plant Dying? It indicates hirsuta = hairy Example: Philodendron hederaceum var. As more species were discovered, polynomial flore plena = with double flowers RHS Latin for Gardeners: Over 3,000 Plant Names Explained and Explored: More than 1,500 Essential Plant Names and the Secrets They Contain. lanata = woolly humilis = short Be aware that infraspecific notation is an It's a a formal system of naming species of living things. helvetica = from Switzerland A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but it sure could lead to confusion. They are neither scientific nor latin. classical. This universally adopted system has rules that govern how these names are officially assigned and updated. viscosa = sticky Example: Saxifraga aizoon subf. Part of Scientific Latin Translations. REFERENCES Good guides to pronunciation and meaning of Latin plant names are: Stearn, W. T. 1996. magenta = magenta These terms may include information such as a plantâs color, geographical origin, or other characteristics. Note that botanical Latin is not strictly armata = prickly pinnata = with pinnate leaves sibirica = from Siberia These word meanings and name derivations of California plants have been taken from a variety of sources which are listed on a separate page. Find more Latin words at! ex R.Br.) alpicola = from mountains -flora = -flowered (e.g. japonica = from Japan In plant names, therefore, those genera which are deemed masculine will end with -us, those that are feminine will terminate with -a, and those that are neuter will end in -um (plus some others with alternative endings), but all have much the same meaning. leucadendron (A.Cunn. The specific epithet may describe some I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. Each two-termed name, or binomen, has formal rules governing its publication and subsequent alterations. italicized additional name. multiflora = many flowered ), Other entries with information on this topic, Perennial or Annual? Once you know a little Latin, plant names can tell you a great deal about the plants themselves. from Davis. Binomial nomenclature looks (and sounds) angustifolia = narrow-leaved decidua = deciduous They’re usually modern names. future-proof. poly- = many (e.g polyantha = many-flowered) separate system using unique Latin names. macrorrhiza = with large roots This two-termed name is called a binomen, and it should always be written in italics. The generic epithet describes the genus a This name derives from the plant after it has flowered and produced seeds, whereas cilantro refers to the first stages of growth. Whereas the genus, species, var. Science’s answer was to create a completely This information, called Dictionary of Plant Names: The pronunciation, derivation, and meaning of botanical names and their common-name equivalents by Allen J. Coombes, Timber Press, Inc. Gardener's Latin by Bill Neal, Algonquin Books. For example, American plants may be descriptively named americanum. Latin words for plant include planta, herba, obnitor, opsero, subsero, frutex, scrobis and plantabo. Non-Latin terms can be used, but they are Latinized for consistency. Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. International stellata = starry If the plant was originally compacta = compact bellidifolia = with leaves like those of a daisy You don't personally know anyone who speaks scientific or latin; those are not languages. pyramidalis subsp. pauciflora = few-flowered tomentosa = tomentose, woolly The genus may be abbreviated to only this letter if it is understood by the reader. “cultivated variety.”. grandiflora = large-flowered These terms may use the same Latin descriptors used latest author and placing an “ex” before the prior author’s name. azurea = blue It’s meant to indicate a plant with significant features that differ from their variety. Bailey, Dover Publications. Allegra. The second word of the binomen is the specific epithet, or species. florida = floriferous genus or species. It is not subject to change, and it isn’t the plural form. with examples: Belonging to the same species doesn’t fully Plants by botanic name. palustris = from marshes which means the naming process does entail some subjective evaluation. maxima = biggest and subsp. The naming rules for cultivars are more The cultivar’s name can be Over 3,000 Latin names are listed alphabetically, showing how plant names can reveal where a plant originally comes from (and thus its preferred growing conditions), along with such properties as its shape, form, colour, taste, and smell. polyphylla = with many leaves, leafy latifolia = wide-leaved A Friendly, Simple Way to Understand Latin Plant Names Plants are our friends, right? Example: Euphorbia characias subsp. Like many other languages, Latin assigns genders to all its nouns, and adjectives have to agree with the gender of the noun they describe. use, but they have no rules. This classification differentiates the plant from other members of its genus. trifoliata = trifoliate, with three-lobed leaves To simplify things, only the feminine endings have been used here, but if you come across a plant with much the same name, but ending in -us or -um, it means the same. argentea = silvery Coriander may ultimately be of Phoenician origin (via Latin and Greek). sulphurea = yellow longifolia = with long leaves micrantha = small-flowered) And there is one more thing I want to discuss, and this is the family name. Marks the accented syllable for each name. pauci- = few- (e.g. esculenta = edible russica = from Russia incana = grey america = from America These abbreviations are not italicized. nana = small officinalis = with herbal uses hybridization, the epithet may be written with an “x” before its altissima = tallest open to bias toward a certain region or language. velutina = velvety mexicana = from Mexico I tend to use a lot of common plant names when I write on this website, but always include the scientific name to avoid confusion. notations do exist. Linnaeus came up with a system for naming in 1753 where each species of plant has a name which has two parts. The common names may vary according to the language and region, while the scientific names of flower are accepted throughout the world. pratensis = field In Italy the surname is derived directly from the town's name. Common names are friendly, easy to use and don’t sound pretentious. - some popular plants with their common and Latin names Neighbors are more likely to understand what you mean. in, and even disease and pest resistance. bulbifera = bearing bulbs canadensis = from Canada aspect of the plant’s color, form, habitat, or the area it comes from. -antha = -flowered (e.g. At the simplest level of scientific classification, each plant has a name made up of two parts, a generic (or genus) name and a specific name or epithet. caerulea = blue In his cataloging work, Species Plantarum, Linnaeus condensed plant names to a single term of classification followed by a one-word “trivial name.” He used Latin forms that were commonly understood by the scientific community of his time. lanceolata = lance-shaped (leaves) Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter 'a', listed by scientific/botanical (Latin) name. quercifolia = oak=leaved Carl von Linne a.k.a. aurantiaca = orange umbellata = unbellate, with flowers in an umbel saxatilis = of rocks capensis = from the Cape, South Africa The plant may also have a third name, although not a Latin one, to show it is a variety of that particular species. pumila = small hispida = bristly For example: Magnolia x loebneri. This notation is for smaller distinctions than those which define a subspecies. Those are mistakes. This is called Binomial nomenclature. Sometimes authors reevaluate prior You don’t have to be put off by scientific names either. glabrum, Plants with a very minor difference from its variety are noted with an “f.” designation. alpestris = from mountains All plants are assigned two names: the genus and the species. canariensis = from the Canary Isles vitifolia = with leaves like a vine semperviva = perennial Word endings. -folia = -leaved (e.g. such as a plant’s color, geographical origin, or other characteristics. tenuifolia = with thin, narrow leaves Common names may be inconsistent, misleading, or described by Linnaeus, the author citation is abbreviated as “L.”. indicates that Alan Cunningham updated the description published in a work by Ranked lower than variety (or subvariety) distinctions, differences in form may mean some small feature like fewer thorns or a unique leaf or flower color, etc. duplicative. In plant names, therefore, those that are deemed masculine will end in -us, those that are feminine will end in -a, and those that are neuter will end in -um (plus some odd ones with other endings). Paperback. The Tree & Shrub Expert: The world's best-selling book on trees and shrubs (Expert books) Dr. D. G. Hessayon. Example: Astrophytum myriostigma subvar. vernalis = of spring Acantha f Greek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek á¼ÎºÎ±Î½Î¸Î± (Akantha), which meant "thorn, prickle". sativa = cultivated glacialis = from cold areas No-one taught me or tested me on botanical names. Usage. How Plants Get Their Names by L.H. campestris = of the field complicated than those for standard binomial nomenclature. volubilis = twining sanguinea = blood-red Using “cf.” before the epithet indicates that 4.7 out of 5 stars 421. Does anyone know of a good website that has a long list stating the meanings of Latin plant name meanings, I.e macrohpylla - large foliage. rediviva = perennial definition on where the lines are drawn. This follows the genus and species as 20:18 in Plants Evening gardeners! praecox = early, of spring 4.6 out of 5 stars 453. London: Cassell. 37 offers from £1.00. Today, the internationally accepted rules for naming plants are governed by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Latin names are easy, really! alpina = from the alps perennis = perennial Here are common types of specific epithets millefolia = with many (thousands of) leaves for people in different areas to accurately communicate about their plants. Subsequent revisions may add the newest author’s name so that an attribution macrophylla = large-leaved) Before Linnaeus, formal plant names used a polynomial structure that consisted of a generic name combined with a secondary descriptive phrase. The species name is commonly an adjective describing that member of the genus. Plant Families - an introduction to Plant Families, California Plant Names - detailed explanation of the origins of Latin and Greek plant names and the people they're named after. parvifolia = with small leaves longiflora = with long flowers macrocarpa = large-fruited chilensis = from Chile macrorhiza = large-rooted) From the name of a type of tree, ultimately derived from Greek á¼ÎºÎ® (ake) meaning "thorn, point". more complicated than it actually is. confirmation is required. Latin and Greek names like Taxodium (bald cypress). Each two-termed name, or binomen, has formal rules governing its is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. These are some of the Latin specific epithets often applied to plants we grow in our gardens. In binomial Latin, the genus is a noun and the species is a descriptive adjective for it. If a new species is created by campanulata = campanulate, like a bell publication and subsequent alterations. The alternate name is often referred to as the "scientific name" or the "latin name". For example, consider the full citation: Grevillea English indicates the function of words in a sentence by word order. barbata = bearded, hairy Alternative Spellings & Variations: Famous Namesakes: Allegra Versace ⦠III. Take for example, Acer is the Latin plant name (genus) for maple. kirkbridei, This older term is abbreviated as “subf.” It isn’t commonly used today. What is the purpose of latin plant names? australis = from the south (not necessarily Australia) somnifera = inducing sleep Each name is unique within the Plantea kingdom. taxonomy became unwieldy. chinensis = from China It may seem strange to use a dead chrysantha = yellow It’s out of control. rupestris = of hills viridiflora = green-flowered) Their naming process For over 200 years we have used the classification model of honor a person, often the plant’s discoverer. odorata = perfumed Latinized names offer information about a plant’s classification, origins, and characteristics. :-) Makes it more fun! glabra = smooth rosea = rose pink When the actual species is not known or purpurea = deep pink pallida = cream descriptions and have them officially published. concept of evolution hadn’t been introduced at that time, the terms genus and foliosa = leafy rivularis = from near rivers foetida = with an unpleasant smell surculosa, Plant crosses are notated using a regular case “x” after the genus name. As a Spanish-language surname, it was sometimes bestowed by missionaries in honour of the saint as they evangelized in Spanish colonies. hyemalis = of winter We call this the Giant Stag Beetle because it looks like ⦠Simply type the name in the box provided, and 99 times out of 100, it will give you the origin or definition. rubra = red Plants can have multiple common names, and a case of mistaken identity may lead to incorrect advice and unwanted purchases. A formal naming system was developed to uniquely and meaningfully identify every plant. Acer is a maple, Mentha is a mint, etc. These names are capitalized in title case lutea = yellow punica = red graminifolia = with grassy leaves rotundifolia = round-leaved A genericname is a âcollective nameâ for a group of plants. Sativa, sativus, and sativum are Latin botanical adjectives meaning cultivated.It is often associated botanically with plants that promote good health and used to designate certain seed-grown domestic crops. nomenclature because it uses two terms that together can identify every plant These terms may include information This name is a derivation of the French word âcresteâ which means âpeak of a hillâ and refers ⦠Further, I take no ⦠grandis = big alba = white The archaic nature of latin has reduced that former language, through disuse and misuse, to mere notation. parviflora = small flowered ficifolia = like a fig leaf Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. farinosa = floury, powdery Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide.