july garden chores

What to focus on, as your gardening chores for July: 1. And then I do a very serious fall cleanup, removing all debris to a distance (I compost it at my office, where there is no vegetable garden). KEEP ASPARAGUS well weeded and water it, too. ARE ANNUAL VINES getting the continuing support they need, whether twine, wire, lattice? (I know, I gave a lot of haircuts in June to things like perennial geraniums and euphorbias. THE JULY DRILL, IN SHORTHAND: Raise the mower deck; man the sprinklers; get out the vegetable seeds—and pull out the weeds. It is so helpful. That, plus the regular calcium uptake problem create the conditions for blossom end rot. I haven’t a clue what that white thing is on the container–maybe a sticker? Be especially diligent about watering any trees or shrubs that were planted this year. Some of my hit parade to help in that effort: OBSERVE WHILE WEEDING: Make notes, to plan for fall reworking of problem spots–areas that seem to invite weeds to sow with abandon, like the driveway, or other gravel surfaces, or cracks between pavers. These include forsythia, spirea, deutzia, daphne, winter jasmine, camellia, azalea and weigela. This year is flying by and the weather here in Western Washington has been perfect for gardening lately. Older Post Colorful Combination Perennial Planting Plan. Hoe them up in a hilled manner, and sow some beans around their feet if you haven’t already. By now water schedules are in summer mode, which means two days per week for watering in most districts. Mulching can help. I am a beekeeper and I left a frame of drawn comb outside last night and when I realized it and went to retrieve it I discovered a baby skunk feasting on the wax and honey! Composting 101 with expert Lee Reich. SEND IN SOIL SAMPLES for testing if you’re seeing poor results in some beds. By Mavis Butterfield on July 7, 2014 - 5 Comments. At the food bank garden we plant 300 tomato plants. Water plants deeply and less frequently. Start more basil from seed for combining with those September tomatoes, and dill for late pickles. Basically, July involves weeding, watering and watching. I look forward to my e-mail on Sunday with your new posts. Margaret, thank you for your reply to my beans-following-peas question. But the barbershop is still open here apparently, with bleeding hearts, groundcover sedums that flowered recently, Phalaris or ribbon grass and more getting hacked to the ground. ... July . DON’T LET the heap dry out completely, or it will not “cook.” Turning it to aerate will also hasten decomposition, but things will rot eventually even if not turned. Other garden chores for July: Prune sucker growths on tomato plants, for the best fruit production. July, tomatoes, Winter garden, Garlic. AGAIN: I’m in the Northeast, in Zone 5B. Use slug bait to control slugs and snails in shady areas. By this time of year, you probably know which weeds are in your garden and where to find them. However, we are also getting a nice harvest. vegetable garden *One of the fruits that will give you pleasure in July is sweet corn! Press Esc to cancel. I am sure that I am missing something. STRAWBERRY BEDS may appreciate rejuvenation now. The July Garden Chores I USUALLY LET UP A LITTLE IN JULY, when soaring temperatures and oppressive humidity make most gardening jobs unbearable. Or to spray? That’s what I asked myself this last week, walking around with a pad and pen–and a critical eye. JANUARY: Remember on a warmer non freezing day to reapply your wiltproof. I MOW THE foliage of my ripened daffodil drifts around July 4th. Deep water large landscape plants at least once during drought periods. Twitter Share. Fortunately, we gardeners can enjoy them with a streamlined list of chores. It ate half the frame. Margaret's weekly public-radio show, from Robin Hood Radio in Sharon, CT, the smallest NPR station in the nation. calendars and checklists from around the nation, How to ID your weeds—links to online guides, Smothering weeds with cardboard and newspaper.