cocker spaniel temperament

Cocker spaniels are known to have a loving sweet temperament. Heb begrepen dat we geduld moeten hebben. Trainability. With more sporting instincts than the American Cocker Spaniel, the lively English Cocker Spaniel likes more exercise. Temperament Issues. howling, or peeing indoors...or worse! Mum, dad, and kids, should all be involved in your puppy's daily activities. The English Cocker Spaniel is The following suggestions are a few ideas on how to cope with the more common behavioural problems, but if you would like more advice, you can e-mail or … The Cocker Spaniel is a sporting breed and should maintain good muscle tone, although the breed is not one that needs a lot of exercise for the purpose of discharging an abundance of energy. The cocker spaniel has a round, graceful head and a broad, square muzzle. The English Cocker Spaniel temperament is second to none. Show-bred Cocker Spaniels have a very distinct shape of the head, characterised by a fairly short, square muzzle and a rounded skull. Some Cocker Spaniels, especially adolescents and … According to the Kennel Club, their ears must be long, set low on the skull (level with their eyes), with ‘fine leathers extending to nose tip’.. Whilst researching this breed, you may come across the term 'Cocker Rage Syndrome' or simply 'Cocker Rage'. The head of an American Cocker Spaniel makes the breed immediately recognizable, with the rounded dome of the skull, well-pronounced stop, and a square shaped lip. Wij hebben een kruising tussen 3 honden! Max enjoys being off the lead and running free for a while during his daily walk and he always seems better 'behaved' after a good run about. Dit levendige ras is een geweldige huisgenoot. Celebrating happy, healthy, cocker spaniels, However, it's best to use positive training practices and, Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help, Cocker Spaniels have a reputation for being possessive. Unfortunately, his extreme popularity leaves him open to the bane of all favorite breeds: unscrupulous people who breed with no regard for temperament, health, or conformation.As a result, some Cocker Spaniels have serious health and temperament … And let's face it, there's nothing better to see than a well-trained Cocker Spaniel! Dit ras heeft een prachtige vacht die ofwel plat, of licht golvend is. Working Cocker Spaniels usually have … De Cocker Spaniel is aanbevolen voor een huis met minstens een kleine tuin, maar doet het ook goed in een appartement, als ze maar genoeg beweging krijgen. Als de dood dat ze niet mee mag. rebecca. Zindelijk was onze hond al met 12 weken.Hij is nu bijna 3 jaar.Wij hebben echter een ander "probleem"Als onze hond los loopt krijgen wij hem bijna niet terug.Hij wil niet luisteren als wij hem roepen.Wat kunnen wij daaraan doen.Hij is al op 2 cursussen geweest.Help? Possessive behaviour in dogs can lead to dangerous situations. Crabchick at - The breed is considered to be overbred so it's recommended to pay careful attention to the breeder's reputation as cocker spaniels coming from unprofessional breeders tend to have different temperaments … I hope you've enjoyed reading this page and that it's helped you to decide that, However, Unfortunately, many cocker spaniels are bred by breeders who do not have a clue as to how to selectively breed for good temperament. Wij hebben bonte cocker spaniel en die is zeer levendig. Information and advice given on this site is meant for educational purposes only. Het is wel een hele lieve hond luisterd goed ! If you decide to plump for a Cocker Spaniel just make sure you get your puppy from a responsible Cocker breeder who breeds for temperament. Coming from a hunting ancestry, these dogs love exploring and being outdoors. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help reduce your dog's separation anxiety and make his time alone bearable. and aggressive dog behaviour is very often misdiagnosed as rage syndrome. Some are on the reserved side, and there is timidity and excessive submissiveness in some … Ik heb zelf boeken aangeschaft en die boeken hebben me zeker goed gedaan. This dog breed is mentioned as affectionate and cheerful with an easy-going disposition. Originally bred as gundogs, Cocker Spaniels’ natural instincts to ‘work’ mean they’re intelligent, loyal and willing to please. Het is een vrij actief ras en heeft zeker 3 wandelingen per dag nodig, tenzij ze de mogelijkheid hebben om vrij rond te lopen in een omheinde achtertuin. This has resulted in many cocker spaniels with neurotic behaviors leading to aggression and biting. Cocker Spaniels worden het meest gezien in wit, zwart of lichte crème. They're loyal, companionable, gentle and affectionate. The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-size dog breed with long ears and a happy disposition. make friends very easily and once your visitor has said 'hello', and They love being involved with family activities and do well with children, other pets, and strangers. Why not share your favourite dog pics too? Cocker Spaniel Information: Temperament Cocker Spaniels are very gentle and loving dogs, and once you've owned one, I guarantee you won't want to own any other breed of dog, ever! Het vinden van een ras die past bij je levensstijl is de eerste en tevens belangrijkste stap naar een heerlijk leven samen met je hond. Het is een goede vriend die je met een bepaalde zachtheid moet benaderen. De Cocker Spaniel is een mooie en intelligente hond en daardoor is het een geweldig huisdier. The English Cocker Spaniel must be able to find, flush and retrieve upland game birds for a full day of hunting. Cockers love going for long walks through woods and love to run through fields and swim in rivers whenever they get the opportunity. Cocker Spaniel Temperament Testing The Test. if you weren't quite convinced, (and I can't Of course, this is not true of all cocker spaniels. The Cocker Spaniel is cheerful and sensitive by nature. Matching the right dog to the right person is very important Based on Puppy Aptitude Testing by Wendy Volhard. They However, like most other breeds, if they're not properly socialized, well-trained, are handled roughly, or their owners are terribly inexperienced, they can become somewhat unpredictable. I stress this for any breed of dog, not just for the Cocker Spaniel. Zoek je vanwege omstandigheden een nieuwe baas voor je hond? So let it have fun – let it look for a trace, let him learn to bring you things. Wij hebben een cockerspaniel van 1 jaar . Our dogs love being part of the family, but it's important that your Cocker Spaniel has exposure to all members equally, otherwise it can lead to possessiveness. Wel boos zijn maar niet te boos zijn. Please be aware: a farmer has the right to shoot your dog if he's caught chasing livestock! Dit levendige ras is een geweldige huisgenoot. Gelijk aan de tabletten van de dierenarts. Once a dog has displayed food aggression, there's always the possibility of this behaviour returning at some point in his life. Ze luistert niet ze doet niks wat ik zeg. Op een dag werd ze ziek en braakte toen een spoelworm uit en later met de dunne ontlasting. The Cocker Spaniel's characteristics  are totally appealing: floppy ears, soulful brown eyes, and a merrily wagging tail - how could you resist? Ben je een fokker en wil je een gratis vermelding? Once you've owned a Cocker Spaniel, I'm certain you won't want any other kind of dog! Here, you can upload your own cocker spaniel pictures and show them on our website. Cocker Spaniels are known for their lively personalities, great agility, and speed, but they can be hard to train because they have high energy levels and require constant attention. Had eerst ook problemen met zindelijkheid. In eerste instantie werden ze gefokt om te worden gebruikt als jachthond. Head. ik heb sinds 1-11-2016 een cocker spaniel van 4 maanden maar ik wil weten hoelang duurt het tot het zindelijk word als vrouwtje zijnde als het net uit gelaten is plast het nog in mijn huis in de bensh het gaat om de 2 uur uit ik heb speciale matjes liggen voor haar maar ze gaat er gewoon naast zitten ondanks dat ik haar er op zet . Timid dogs can often turn aggressive if they feel they are trapped or feel frightened).