Get office catering delivered by Logan's Roadhouse in Spanish Fort, AL. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. intransitive verb. cater translate: encargarse del servicio de comida y bebida (para), cocinar, proveer comida, abastecer, atender a…. cater translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'canter',caster',crater',caret', examples, definition, conjugation Boqueria’s drop-off catering menu is made to please and designed to share. La clínica ofrece servicios para pacientes con dolores crónicos. More Spanish words for catering. Discussions about 'cater' in the English Only forum, ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. Have you tried it yet? More Spanish words for cater. Español. Catering in Spanish Fork on Try ordering online from our 115 Spanish Lake corporate catering partners. intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes ." Suggestions. caterwaul. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus cater ⇒ vi. Translation for 'to cater to' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. 1. to cater (also: to attend) atender a {vb} In order to cater for the wide range of user needs, videos are made available on the WTO website in a number of formats. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Spanish Translation. El complejo turístico está dirigido exclusivamente a parejas. caterer n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. BOQUERIA CATERING. English Catering establishments, hospitals, vending machines, etcetera, come to mind. Dutch: catering; European Spanish: catering; Finnish: pitopalvelu; French: restauration; German: Catering; Greek: κέιτερινγκ; Italian: ristorazione; Japanese: ケータリング; Korean: 케이터링; Norwegian: bevertning; Polish: katering; European Portuguese: catering; Romanian: catering… Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. (= provide food) proveer de comida (for a) 2. Context sentences for "catering" in Spanish. understanding who can best cater to t heir entitlements. cater verb catered, has catered, is catering, caters proveer alimentos (para fiestas, bodas, etc.) See more. Look up the English to Spanish translation of cater in the PONS online dictionary. caterpillar. Thanks to its extensive experience, SENER is expanding its field of activit y to cater to t he needs of new markets which require innovative solutions with high technological value. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. I bought a book.). The school caters to the needs of students with autism. Inglés. (f) means that a noun is feminine. That restaurant also offers a take-out service, but they don't cater. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. This restaurant does not cater for vegans. banquete. 1. With a variety of menu options, filters, and ratings and reviews, ezCater makes it easy to find top caterers for everyone. to cater. La empresa ofrece servicios de comedor en decenas de cafeterías escolares. phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable: Verb with adverb (s) or preposition (s), having special meaning, not divisible--for example,"go with" [=combine nicely]: "Those red shoes don't go with my dress." "He has arrived ." Crucemos la plaza por el sendero diagonal, es más corto. For a fuller-service buffet, the caterers set up food, oversee the buffet throughout the event, and clean up afterwards. (provide food; at weddings) a. dar or organizar banquetes. el Abastecimiento noun. Caterers Brazilian Restaurants Restaurants. [ˈkeɪtəʳ ] intransitive verb. provide, provision, furnish, purvey, rig out. catequizar. servimos a grupos de hasta cincuenta personas, esta revista está dirigida a gente por debajo de los 21 años, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. The clinic caters to patients with chronic pain. Lucy's Brazilian Kitchen. Manzo said the meals were catered lunches or dinners for the caucus on days when the Legislature was in session. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Free online ordering from ezCater. Find words for cater in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. cater to [sth] vtr phrasal insep. Ese restaurante también ofrece un servicio para llevar, pero no hacen catering. caterer. Please contact us to discuss your order! locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). La tienda está diagonalmente opuesta al restaurante. Spanish translation of 'cater'. This verb may also be used with "for" in the context shown in 2). (serve food outside establishment) hacer catering loc verb. (38) Website Directions. La escuela atiende a las necesidades de estudiantes con autismo. Check out the menu, reviews, and on-time delivery ratings. √ Fast and Easy to use. transigir verb. Un restaurante local se encargó del catering de la boda. Cater definition, to provide food, service, etc., as for a party or wedding: to cater for a banquet. WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2021: Forum discussions with the word(s) "cater" in the title: In other languages: French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic. Spanish word for cater, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Pensemos en la hostelería, los hospitales, las máquinas automáticas, etcétera. Carmena ofrece servicios de banquetes para reuniones empresariales. (385) … Other translations. supply, provide, stock, provision. ( [sb] who provides food) proveedor de comida loc nom m. locución nominal masculina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo masculino ("ojo de buey", "agua mala"). The drugstore is catercorner to the diner. Estela caters weddings, birthdays, and parties. Inglés. Puedes atender mi fiesta cuando quieras. √ 100% FREE. Por último es el Campeonato del Mundo de 2010 de Omaha Pot-Limit que puede atender un valor de $ 13.000 paquetes. Many translated example sentences containing "cater for" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Principal Translations. Estela ofrece servicio de banquetes para bodas, cumpleaños y fiestas. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. 1. encargarse del servicio de comida y bebida para fiestas, cafeterías etc. Translate cater into Spanish. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Solo porque es el jefe cree que yo estoy para satisfacer todos sus deseos. Is something important missing? to cater … parties catered for se organizan banquetes. They said they had made a lot of arrangements to prepare submissions, organise time off for the presenters and prepare the conference room for the meeting, as well as to cater breakfast and lunch. Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. Corporate Catering Delivery in Spanish Lake Looking for catering in Spanish Lake for a client meeting or work lunch? The caterer provides dinner and bar services for the wedding.El proveedor de catering ofrece servicio de cena y bar para la boda. abastecer verb. If you want to work in catering, you must be a conscientious and friendly person.Si quieres dedicarte a la hostelería, debes ser una persona concienzuda y … 759. Translation of "catering" in Spanish. The company caters in dozens of school cafeterias. Learn more with unlimited dictionary access. 14 Sep. 0. cater in spanish. cater in spanish. La posada satisface las necesidades de los viajeros. atienden atender. caterva. Our restaurant caters to weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other special occassions. Learn how to say cater in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Nuestro restaurant ofrece servicios de caterings para bodas, aniversarios, cumpleaños y cualquier otro evento especial. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Caterers in Spanish Fork, UT. You can cater my party anytime. (for company, airline) a. dar servicio de comidas or catering. Conjugate every Spanish verb in every tense for free on SpanishDict, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and reference website. [...] entender qui én puede satisfacer mejor su s derechos. Piled high with your favorite classic tapas, these knock-out dishes are prepared right here in our kitchens and delivered to your home or office ready to devour. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Abastecimiento. The man sneezed.). Here's a list of translations. Words near catering in the dictionary. is not responsible for their content. proveer verb. Adding food stations can increase per-person costs by at least $3-$5. catering translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'empresa de catering',catrín',catinga',catire', examples, definition, conjugation Just because he's the boss he thinks I have to cater to his every desire. Español. catering to. supplying, provision. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Español. The resort caters to couples exclusively. Lastly is the 2010 World Championship of Pot-Limit Omaha that can cater you $13,000 worth packages. 2. Report an error or suggest an improvement. 1457. cater to. catering. 368. Meaning and examples for 'to cater to' in Spanish-English dictionary. cater-cornered. Inglés. ¿A quién contrataremos para encargarse del catering del evento? el servicio de comidas noun. Sign up for free today. catering restauración hostelería cocina abastecimiento alimentación gastronomía cáterin restaurante. Traducir cater de Inglés a español. Home Uncategorized cater in spanish. Solo porque es el jefe cree que yo estoy para atender todos sus deseos. we cater for groups of up to fiftyservimos a grupos de hasta cincuenta personas. comida atendiendo comedor y cafetería gastronómico. (figurative) to cater for or (US) to atender a ⧫ ofrecer (sus) servicios a. we cater for group bookings (British) nos ocupamos de las reservas de grupos. cater. See Google Translate's machine translation of 'cater'. Con el fin de atender a las necesidades … Solo porque es el jefe cree que yo estoy para complacer todos sus deseos. For food only, prices per person might average $16-$18, while a service buffet may start around $20-$22 per person. Example sentences. Mi madre solía servir catering para bodas. cater translations: encargarse del servicio de comida y bebida (para), cocinar, proveer comida, abastecer, atender a…. An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g.