bench springer spaniel

This continued to be the trend until the early 1930's when fanciers of the show ring became more critical of the "non-conforming" field Springers, whose owners seemed more interested in one phase of the sport. We are breeders of top ranking Show quality bench bred AKC Champion English Springer Spaniels. About MN Whispering Pines Springers. Choosing the right type of English springer spaniel is easy if you hunt or show. Sign up to be notified when puppies are available. In contrast, Field people have bred dogs for performance, leaving the physical appearance to fall where it may. Permissible colors include black or liver and white; blue or liver roan, or white hairs among the solid color, and tricolor, black or liver with white and tan. We have chosen to raise two types of springers. Field vs. The Field Bred English Springer Spaniel is different from the Show Bred English Springer Spaniel. Jane Meggitt has been a writer for more than 20 years. Another thing to keep in mind, European bloodlines tend toward bigger dogs with the long, low-set ears of the American bench bred but with coloring more often seen on field bred dogs (e.g., ticking and more white). The last dual champion earned … The ears are pendulous, wide and long. Per the American Kennel Club, we are hobby breeders, having raised and bred English Springer Spaniels for the past 34 years. The current median price for all English Springer Spaniels sold is $1,247.50. These puppies were born in our home in Osceola, WI (45 minutes from the Twin Cities) and raised with love and the utmost attention. Males are larger than females. Physical differences include a body which is usually longer than it is tall, shorter and higher set ears, a shorter stop, and no haw (whites showing) in the eyes. close to the Massachusetts border. He has never disappointed us. These dogs have a strong sense of smell and the Bench bred springers (show dogs)are sometimes used for hunting, also. When the standard no longer reflected the winning dogs, the standard was changed to reflect what was making the champions. The body's length, from the shoulder to the buttocks, is just a bit longer than the height at the withers. Both types can also excel at obedience, agility, Flyball and other canine sports. The American Kennel Club standard for the English springer spaniel references the bench type. His coat is moderately long and glossy with feathering on his legs, ears, chest and brisket. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City. Championship title. English Springer Spaniels are medium size dogs with moderately long coats and featherings on the legs and tail. A “bench” Springer Spaniel is one that competes in conformation shows. in the puppies’ parentage, going back 3 generations, earned an AKC Conformation. KINNI RIVER SPRINGERS. When used for gun hunting the field bred version of a English Springer Spaniel will, almost every time; amaze and … If you're an active person who wants a dog to take out hiking or jogging, the field spaniel might have the edge. They Appear in 16th Century Art. I bought my first English Springer Spaniel in 1986 and I've been in love ever since. Even in the early years of the ESSFTA, breeders began specializing in field or conformation lines, based on their personal interests. The quality of our puppies gives them the ability to become accomplished Show Champions and or beautiful family members and companions. Our Springer Spaniels go back to the versatile Snowspring and Willowbank bloodlines. In 2011, she was Number Three Sporting Dog, Number One Sporting Dog Bitch and ESSFTA Show Bitch of the Year. He rocketed to the number one English Springer (all systems) in ’08 where he remained … She is a little past … This dog sports a moderately long coat, with feathering on the ears, legs and chest. When I was a little girl I saw a picture of an English Springer Spaniel and told my parents I would own one someday. (The last dog to win championships in both field and show ring was Dual Ch. Built for long days in the field, English Springer Spaniels are tough, muscular hunters standing 19 to 20 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 35 and 50 pounds. In 2010, she was Number One English Springer Spaniel (all systems), Number Six Sporting Dog and ESSFTA Show Spring of the Year. English Springer Spaniels. A “field” Springer Spaniel is one that hunts and competes in field trials. Breeder of Fabulous English Springer Spaniel Puppies Important Announcement. Spaniel-type dogs were hunting in Great Britain before Christianity came to the land. Green Valley Punch in 1938.) Spaniels receive their name from Spain, the country where these hunting dogs originated. BLUE GATE ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS: Home PEDIGREES GUARANTEE Welcome to my website, the English Springer Spaniel is the dog we have had as our family pet for 20 years, my sons grew up with them and now my gran-kids are. Bench. The English Springer Spaniel is typically eager to please, quick to learn, and willing to obey. If your lifestyle is a bit more sedentary, the bench spaniel might be the better choice. All items which have had no influence or testing in the breeding of the Bench-bred dog, yet are absolutely fundamental in a Field-bred dog. We are a small family kennel located in Northern Minnesota that has a great respect & passion for this breed. At maturity, these spaniels should stand 19 or 20 inches tall at the withers, ranging in … Meanwhile, in the United States, the parent breed club, the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association, was formed in 1924. If you neither hunt or show, either type of dog makes a good companion. Good Morning everyone and Happy Mothers Day tomorrow. Overall, the field springer is a more athletic, muscular dog in appearance than the bench springer. By 1892, Great Britain's Kennel Club recognized the English cocker spaniel and the English springer spaniel as separate breeds. These gentlemen would run their dog in field trials one day, then comb out the burrs and twigs, and show them in conformation the next day. Find English Springer Spaniel puppies for sale with pictures from reputable English. Which is better? Those bred for the conformation ring are referred to as " … Springer Spaniels for sale in Wisconsin Hillbilly Heaven Springers, LLC ... well tempered, and in our eyes beautiful. The Springer's intelligence and agility, paired with its beauty, loyalty, and trustworthiness, make this … THE PUPS ARE HANDLED FROM DAY ONE BY US,OUR KIDS,FAMILY,FRIENDS & OUR NEIGHBORS. An endearing family companion, tireless enthusiastic field trial showmen, and a hunting person's best friend. Bench Bred Springer's There are two types of English Springer Spaniels, the Field and the Bench (or Show) bred and the two have been known for over 70 years. With an October 28th birthday they will ready December 19th. The American Kennel Club standard for the English springer spaniel references the bench type. Today's Bench dogs tend to be heavier, with far more coat, and longer ears that are set lower. This dog sports a moderately long coat, with feathering on the ears, legs and chest. Though they may not have gone by the name “Springer Spaniel” in … Field or Bench. We raise AKC Registered Field bred, a mixture of Field/Bench, and Bench purebred English Springer Spaniels on a country acreage at the edge of Slayton, Minnesota; just a half an hour north of I-90. Son of Ch. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS Puppies now available! In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. 9 months old. The field English springer spaniel excels in hunting, while the bench type shows in conformation classes at dog shows. The English Springer Spaniel is a medium-sized sporting dog, with a compact body and a docked tail. Over the years, these groups have grown farther apart. BENCH/SHOW SPRINGERS The first specialty show for Springer Spaniels in the United States was held in New Jersey in 1922.The contenders were field trial dogs - their owners sportsmen. Decades ago, field and bench English springer spaniels were the same type of dog. Bred by Dorothy Cherry & Donna Herzig Zelda is the shining star of the Cerise Constellation. The English Springer Spaniel is a medium-size sporting dog with a neat, compact body, and a docked tail. I am also on the Board of Directors of the Albany Kennel Club in Albany, New York. What is for sure, is that a show dog is better for the show ring, and a … We do love the traditional look but our English Springer Spaniels are field bred for natural instincts and hunting ability as … His coat is moderately long, with feathering on his legs, ears, chest and brisket. Nowhere does this standard require any ability of a dog; it is all purely physical appearance, movement, poise, etc. Welcome to Spirit Hill Springers! Until the late 19th century, these were basically the same breed, with the smaller members of a litter used for woodcock hunting. ... Long walks, games of chase and fetch, and swimming are favorite pastimes of these rugged spaniels. Our puppies are also out there hunting, as well as just being. As the name suggests the Field type is used in the field for hunting and the Show type is bred for their looks in the show ring. The English Springer Spaniel is an extremely versatile breed. So are we! Some of the differences between the bench and field springers are obvious; others are subtle. In 1902, Cocker Spaniels and English Springer Spaniels officially became two distinct breeds instead of variations of the same breed. Felicity’s Diamond Jim CD, RAE “James,” and Ch. The physical appearance of the Field-bred dog, by breeding first and foremost for performance, has resulted in dogs which are less well-conformed (according to the breed standard), and have temperaments that are more competitive. These show-minded individuals became aware of the importance of coat and feathers in the show ring, and no longer cared to subject their possible winners to the rigors and hazards of the field. We are a small breeder of farm-raised puppies that emphasize temperament, health, and breed qualities in all of our dogs. This litter has at least one dog. The field springer has shorter ears and a shorter upper lip. The puppies shown below are AKC registered pure bred English Springer Spaniels with US\European bench bloodlines. They are in the show ring, obedience ring, and agility ring. Cerise Kiss Me Kate CD, NAJ, RN, WD “Katey,” Jesse was born and bred to compete. All these items have proven to be positive attributes in the field. Dedicated to breeding healthy English Springer Spaniels. The choice might come down to your activity level. Welcome to MN Whispering Pines Springers. We are patiently waiting as well. Audrey & Bill. At Red Oak Springers, we breed and stud American bench/show, Euro-American and full European pedigree English Springer Spaniels. Bob and Lori Nieto have been actively breeding bench style english springer spaniels for 30 years. Located in South Central New Hampshire. SO THEY ARE WELL SOCIALIZED BY THE TIME THEY ARE READY FOR THEIR 4-EVER HOMES.