However, there could also be more serious issues going on as well, such as impaction. The most common ones are environmental reasons such as UVB light and water. After rehydrating make sure your beardie is drinking enough water and that the tank temperature is not above 105℉. Color, texture and frequency of discharge are all vital health indicators. Is it normal for bowel moments that clear out impaction? It is the most trusted and convenient online destination for reptile pet owners. Be glad he did poop . But, in all my watchfulness, I did notice one thing (or lack thereof)… pee! What if Your Bearded Dragon is Pooping a Lot? Replace with paper towel. If a bloody stool happens just once it should not be a cause for concern. Click through to our bearded dragon care guides to find essential information and advice on how to keep your bearded dragon happy, healthy and safe at all times. Impaction is blocked bowel movements that can result in tears, internal bleeding and severe constipation. She is reasonably active and alert. She has dubia roaches a few times a week. He eats his usual dubia roaches, and even all of his salads. Monitoring their poop is not something you want to constantly think about. Traces of blood in their poop can be a sign of a serious issue (e.g. If your dragon has runny poop and/or poop that smells really bad, it would be wise to get a fecal sample and make a vet appointment with an experienced herp vet ASAP. Do not mistake this for blood. Thank you again for all your help. Because of this, I figured it would be helpful to create an overall guide to bearded dragon poop, answering all your questions from how it should look, to how often bearded dragons should poop, to how to help them poop, and much more! As long as the poop itself is well-formed, you’re good. If your bearded dragon isn’t getting enough UVB or their tank is too cold, then they can absolutely have issues with digestion. Why is Bearded Dragon Poop White and Brown? 1. How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Go Without Pooping? As long as their energy levels and their appetite are normal, you likely don’t need to worry. Similar to above, remove the poop as soon as you spot it on the. If you are unable to make improvements within 5 days or so, I highly recommend a trip to the vet. But, it is simple, easy and helps you to understand their health. He seems perfectly healthy and is very alert and active and eats everything I give him with no fuss. If your bearded dragon is pooping blood, you’ll want to take appropriate actions immediately. Reptile Guide is also a Chewy affiliate partner. Did you recently transition them to a new tank or add in a new item of some sort? More times than not, bloody stool is indicative of impaction which can be DEADLY if not resolved in a timely manner. Hey i have 2 month old i got him a good month ago lately he hasn’t eating i’ve tried to switch up the food, just now i looked in his tank and see he’s pooped but it was red and runny so im guessing its blood. If you can confidently conclude that your bearded dragon isn’t impacted, then the blood in their stool could be due to an internal injury or simply a larger bowel movement. These beardies will likely have a bowel movement every other day or so, with those closing in on 18 months of age slowing down to as infrequently as one or two movements per week. How long have you had him and what are the temperatures in his cage? Are feeders being left behind uneaten that could be biting and terrorizing the bearded dragon? Instead, they produce a urate, which is a waste product of the kidneys. Black poop can happen when you feed too many insects and not enough vegetables. FREE shipping on orders $49+ and the BEST customer service! Lethargy and loss of appetite are also symptoms of a parasitic infection. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If your bearded dragon is dying this can be a really difficult time for you and your family. Watery black stool that is foul smelling can also be a parasitic infection. You should closely monitor and observe their poop over the next few days. If your beardie’s urates are yellow, this can be due to too much calcium in the diet. It is very on point, well laid out & easy to understand. As you may or may not know, bearded dragon females don’t actually have to have sex to become pregnant. Any suggestions?? Fortunately, impaction can be cured from home most of the time, especially if caught early on. You may think catching a few fireflies to feed your bearded dragon might be an easy, inexpensive treat, but be warned – fireflies can kill your beardie. She just goes week between poops with no pattern. It is completely normal. I try to hold him for a decent amount of time for him to get used to handling I’m usually doing homework on the computer or on down time playing a game on the computer. internal bleeding or parasites). My beardie wasn’t very stinky when he was younger and eating more crickets and mealworms. Regardless of how you clean them, make sure you don’t put back the tiles until they’ve both cooled down (duh) or completely dried from their washing. Feeding and Raising Tadpoles, Best Bearded Dragon Breeders: A-Z List & Reviews 2021. I give him, or possibly her im not sure, a bath almost every day and they still aren’t pooping. 8 to 12 Years: A dragon can live up to 12 years if the owner is taking proper care of him/her. At least… not in the way us mammals do. The most common way bearded dragons get parasites is from the insects they eat. is it territorial or does he just not like me or his he too young to know when he has to feel it like our own little people. Please advise, Please have a fecal done to rule out parasites they need one every six months, Hi there. Parasites can pose a big health problem if they are not taken care of quickly. Additionally, you can also give them a teaspoon (or half for babies) everyday of baby food like…. Regular husbandry and tank cleaning is key to preventing them. A. Brearded dragon custom home built, in the making. Thank you! I hope you found this article informative and thorough in answering all your bearded dragon poop questions. Acquainting yourself with your pet’s poop schedule and the typical appearance of the poop is going to be the best way to spot out future irregularities and hopefully, act quickly and swiftly enough to resolve issues like impaction and parasites. As he got older we slowly changed his diet to mostly vegetation, but we also feed him kibble (balanced beardie diet food from the pet store). The brown portion of the poop should be log shaped and the white portion should be at the sides or end of the brown part. Should I take him to a vet? Although bearded dragon green poop can seem worrisome, as long as the urates are white and the poop isn’t super runny or reek to the high heavens, this most likely is nothing to worry about. What does this mean? Native to the deserts of Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania, these Read More →, One of the first challenges to set up a bearded dragon’s enclosure is choosing the best substrate. Hopefully, these resources will help guide you in getting your bearded back on track. Diet changes, bad diet and parasites are the three biggest reasons for bearded dragon diarrhea. Do you have a website or newsletter I can go to for more information on other topics? She poops weeks apart. A proper adult bearded dragon diet will actually resemble something like 80:20 when it comes to an adequate veggie to protein ratio. But they’ve been of the runny side lately. He previously had normal soft brown poo, but lately it looks like it’s more particle-based in a clear sack like a sausage… is that normal? This bearded dragon tank is awesome because it provides tons of different natural textures for the bearded dragon to enjoy. My bearded dragon isn’t eating as much as she used to, she seems a little more sleepy and hasn’t had a bowel movement for 5 days? If you notice changes in the consistency, odor, or amount of poop then try and check for the causes. Excessive moisture and water in a bearded dragon’s habitat can increase their stress levels too. Bearded dragons need different amounts of calcium depending on how old they are: If you notice your beardie’s poop is yellow then you need to reduce their calcium intake. Because bearded dragons do not pee, when they have a bowel movement it is essentially like pooping and peeing at the same time. To determine if your bearded dragon is struggling to poop due to dehydration, consider the following…. Bearded dragons will also poop more or less depending on how old they are. Choosing a name is a chance to bond with your pet Beardie and build a sense of connection. The Blue-Tongued Skink is a lizard that you may find sunning itself on the sands of Australia and possibly even using its bright blue tongue to scare away predators. We offer a wide variety of options to make doggy waste bags and scoopers not only affordable, but easy to carry with dispensers that fit almost any leash. Normal bearded dragon poop is brown and white. This can help to moisten their skin and rehydrate. Stress can result from a wide range of factors such as tank relocation, loud noises and habitat changes. And to answer it, In essence… bearded dragons do NOT pee. Bearded dragon loose stool can occur for a variety of reasons, all of which are pretty easy to resolve fortunately. Bearded dragons do tend to feel the urge to poop when in contact with water. It does. A couple of weeks ago my bearded dragon was pooping out really hard urates. I am a new bearded dragon owner here. If your bearded dragon is just being lazy, don’t be too concerned, but keep a close eye on their behavior for the next few days. If you have just changed your beardie’s diet and notice runny stool it should settle down in a couple of days. its been about a week or so since i’ve noticed any poops. 12 to 14 Years: The maximum a dragon can reach in captivity under super care. Another possible way to get your bearded dragon to poop is to place a few drops of olive oil on their nose. My question is, do you think there is anything I should do or keep an eye on to make sure no ill effects come about? more kibble, less vegies? Additionally, consider what’s going on within the tank. I can remember fondly the first couple of days after I brought my FIRST baby bearded dragon home. Poop and urate are passed simultaneously so you should always see them together. What Should Bearded Dragon Poop Look Like? Just keep an eye on their waste and if it continues to be green or becomes runny, bloody, or super stinky, do a fecal sample with a herp vet. This is a great article! This is one of the many reasons why these substrates are such a poor choice to use in a bearded dragon’s tank. Get the expert information you need on how your bearded dragon enclosure should be properly set up! Very helpful write up! If you're looking for a reliable pet lizard food and supplies online store, we recommend Chewy! I recognized the signs of impaction from Threads 2.3K Messages 19.3K. It’s not impaction if he is pooping . Impaction and parasites can indicate an unhealthy beardie. But his poop is brown and white there is just A LOT of it. As your bearded dragon matures, you can expect an adult bearded dragon to pee around 1 to 4 times a week. To read more about how to master your UVB and UVA setup, check out this article. The rescue centre were feeding her in locusts 3 times a week and veg on the other days and reported that she does not eat a lot of veg. Bearded dragons do not pee. Also, don’t be alarmed if there is some liquid alongside the fecal matter. Or, you can spray them down with a veterinary grade cleaner like F10SC and let them sit for 10 minutes before rinsing as well. and veggies will likely poop 1-3 times a week, whereas those who regularly consume calcium rich feeders like silk worms have been known to poop daily. Food that is high in calcium and calcium supplements can cause yellow poop. Finally, during brumation a bearded dragon will poop a lot less than usual. he usually poops around 5-7 times a week, I was wondering if u had any advice? In either case of internal bleeding or parasites you should take a stool sample to your vet. at least once a day all the way up to three times per day. Young or juvenile bearded dragons are going to be those who fall in the age range of 4 – 18 months old. This is often tinted yellow and string-like in texture. Again, this will depend on the diet of the bearded dragon and the other factors discussed above. Bearded dragons who primarily have a diet of crickets and veggies will likely poop 1-3 times a week, whereas those who regularly consume calcium rich feeders like silk worms have been known to poop daily. Hopefully it’s just an issue of temperatures or UVB being off and you can get those adjusted ASAP to get him back to normal. She is around 8 years old, her previous owner fed her on meal worms so she will not eat any greens or veg. If you play around with and adjust their diet and find that their stool is still reeking, I recommend doing a fecal sample with your herp vet to test for parasites. I was wondering if I should be concerned or what I should do? We have recently got a rescue beardie If your dragon is only excreting the urate part of their poop this can mean they are overly hydrated or have not had much food recently. If your bearded dragon has an all white poop, then it’s likely not a poop at all but simply a urate. Albeit not what we might prefer, it is still a valid use of the water, just additional cleaning is required. When a bearded dragon goes into brumation, a lot of their core body functions will slow down. Healthy bearded dragons not in brumation should not go for longer than one week without pooping. As I am new to having a bearded dragon I want to make sure I am giving her the best care as she is lovely and loves to be handled and loves being out of her viv and running round the frontroom. she may be in the middle of brumation. Threads 431 Messages 4.6K. As previously mentioned, bearded dragons do not pee in the way humans or mammals like cats and dogs do. Some individuals can go several weeks without pooping, but, this will be very painful and is normally a sign of a health issue. If not rehydrated properly it can lead to illness. If light is not an issue then consider their diet. I have had 0 problems with him but I noticed today that he had Diarrhea because it looks like mud is in my tank. He is bathed regular and seems to love his bath time but recently during brumation his poo has changed. A bath and gentle massage should do the trick in helping both issues. we put into the site, and I’m grateful for any support! My bearded dragon has some red in her irate and her poop is hard what should I do. I recommend doing a little reading on how much calcium to give your beardie and adjusting from there. A urate is essentially excreted. Too much calcium and excessive UVB exposure are bad for a bearded dragon’s health. I don’t think this sounds like anything out of the ordinary for a young beardie. A Bearded dragon that eats lots of calcium-rich foods (e.g. Some changes in poop color are not a cause for concern and are relatively common. And most importantly got her to pass it with your help. But, with this being said, there are a lot of things you can do to get this issue under control. With hundreds of articles on everything pertaining to lizards, turtles, and snakes, our experienced team provides reliable and accurate content you can trust. more bugs? My First Experience With a Dying Bearded Dragon. Aggression and biting are common signs of stress. less bugs? Also, try to get a stool sample just in case. Thank you. Hey my beardie hasnt pooped in weeks and he isn’t going through brumation any answers? What could this be? Bearded Dragon Poop Yellow . It’s virtually impossible to prevent bacteria from manifesting. You’ll want to make sure that you have the lighting setup in place, with basking temps for bearded dragons 12 months of age and older being 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit and 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit fo babies. Are temperatures insufficient or too high? How do you use it? There are seven different types of bearded dragon poop. Environmental factors and stress levels normally result in a bearded dragon pooping less. Secreting this uric acid allows them to get rid of the nitrogenous waste in their bodies whilst conserving water. occasionally he’ll get a meal work or a cricket as a treat. I also recommend removing and replacing all newspaper every 1-2 weeks as well. What should I do? Thanks in advance! I was 100% sure his stomach was empty because he didn’t eat for 3 days before he went into burmation and relieved himself prior to going to sleep Avoid feeding a bearded dragon fireflies at all costs. If your dragon is noticeably bleeding from their vent, then make sure to get them medical help immediately as this can be due to serious issues like egg binding or a prolapse. My Beardie poops a lot he like to then smush hist ail in it! Dehydrated bearded dragon poop should be easy to spot because it will just seem drier overall. Stress can also result in constipation. Adults will go from one to seven times per week. Next, please, consider the following suggestions for different cleaning methods below…. In some rare cases, where the green poop is runny and has a foul odor, it has been associated with liver disease, anorexia and hemolytic anemia. If your beardie’s poop meets the description above then you have a healthy pet. I mean, think of it like this, as adults their your diet is 70% give or take dark leafy greens… how could green bearded dragon poop NOT occur? It took a few days and a lot of attention, but she is doing great! I’m in the exact same boat. Parasitic infections can sometimes be responsible for a bearded dragon pooping a lot or being constipated. Signs a bearded dragon has a parasitic infection include: Chalky white poop usually means that a bearded dragon is dehydrated. I may receive a small commission if you purchase after clicking. ), African Dwarf Frog Care Sheet: Diet, Habitat, & More Great Tips for Beginners, Green Anole Care Sheet: Diet, Habitat, & More Great Tips for New Owners, Turtle Sounds Explained (What Noises Does a Turtle Make? Red Bearded Dragon Poop can be a result of something your dragon has recently eaten. A UVB bulb should be used with a UV meter to monitor it. Is it any thing to worry about. It can last up to three months. If your beardie’s urates are yellow, this can be due to too much calcium in the diet. Internal bleeding can be a result of foreign objects or bugs with sharp legs tearing their intestine. Find everything you need in one place. More veggies, less kibble? However, some individuals can poop up to seven times a week. Hello! Changes when paired with other factors such as lethargy, loss of appetite are a cause for concern. Dehydrated bearded dragon poop will have a chalky, dried our urate as opposed to one that is soft. This is what bearded dragon poop should look like. More often than not, red colored bearded dragon poop is going to be due to an internal blockage, likely in the form of impaction. Babies rapidly developing bodies, along with several protein-rich feedings throughout the day, lead to higher waste production. Saturday at 9:14 PM; ASALTS93; Beardie Fun. All educated bearded dragon owners should know what (and what NOT) to feed a bearded dragon, as well as how often. Looks like she spray pooped inside the cage. I’m going to ask you a couple questions to hopefully get to the bottom of this issue. Any Ideas? kale and watercress) as well as dusting food with calcium powder. Adults on a vegetable diet will tend to poop less. I bathe him every 1-3 days as well as having a great tank set up, he has 2 thermometers swell as having a cold side to his tank. Thank you! This is quite common with babies and juveniles as they need a protein based diet. Red, Yellow and Black stools can indicate a serious health problem. I was hoping for info on what dietary items can cause more stink and what can reduce the odor, instead of just info about cleaning up the poop. When bearded dragons are healthy, their urate should be white and the poop, like that of most creatures, should be brown. Back poop can be a sign of impaction. You see, bearded dragons urinate in the form of a dry, chalky substance called a “urate”. ), Turtle Identification: In-Depth U.S. Guide [Updated 2021]. Though it may not sound too pleasant, keeping an eye on a bearded dragon’s feces is one of the best ways to learn about their health. What does this mean? Bearded dragon hardy, easy to care for, and laidback reptiles, making them an excellent exotic pet choice even for first-timers and kids. I feed him 8 crickets every day and a fresh bowl of verity of veggies. Only meal worms and criquets. Feeding foods high in fiber (e.g. Fresh fruits and greens have a lot of water that can result in your pet becoming overly hydrated. Hey is it normal for a bearded dragon but to come out when pooping and what do I do to prevent it from happening again, My bearded dragon has not pooped in 2 days what should I do he seems healthy and is it normal for him to look lazy? Thank you for this article, it was very helpful and informative. On the journey home she had a large poo, however she has not had a bowel movement since. How to Make Your Bearded Dragon Poop Step #1: Hydrate Them. You can read more about how often your bearded dragon should be pooping based on their age by scrolling down a little. My first experience of a dying bearded dragon was many years ago when one of my bearded dragons suddenly became very lethargic and uninterested in anything. silkworms) will usually poop more often. From shrubbery to wood to dried excavator clay mounds, these various textures perfectly recreate those found in any grassland and semi-desert region.. Just make sure that you only incorporate plants and woods that are deemed 100% safe for your bearded dragon. It's simple to use, can pick up poop off of any surface, and has a special antimicrobial coating that keeps it … His skin became dull and he stopped eating. 14+ Years: There are cases where bearded dragons have lived for more than 15 years. First make sure that the UVB tube does not cover the entire length of the tank your beardie lives in. ! If your beardie is eating a good amount of leafy greens and still has black stool, then you will need to get the stool examined. previously reading your info. Bearded dragon impaction and laxatives. Urate will be either white or yellow and usually remains at the end of the poop. His belly seems bigger than usual. If you don’t believe your bearded dragon is stressed and you’ve sexed them as female, then their frequent bowel movements could be due to a pregnancy. Looks like F10SC Veterinary Disinfectant is out of stock and unavailable at many retailers. Bearded dragon’s poop not the typical white and brown combination? If you’re noticing bearded dragon red poop, simply skip down a little for a better explanation of what to do…. If your Bearded Dragon is constipated the best thing you can do is to give them a bath. All that food sitting in the belly can’s great he got it out .a fecal is also recommend before brumation. Both UVA and UVB affect digestion, which in turn, will affect how often a bearded dragon will poop. They will perform a fecal flotation to see if there is a problem. Chopped plants and vegetables should always be included in a bearded dragon’s diet. apples and pumpkin) can result in runny stool as well. Yellow substances specific to a male can be a seminal plug. Hey my name is Elissa and my bearded dragon has been having normal poops ever since I’ve had him. My bearded dragon has some blood in his stool. Subadult: 4-18 months. Pumpkin puree diluted with water is a great option. So for instance, what might seem like “a lot” for your dragon, could actually be quite normal for another. Pinworms can lead to constipation and cloacitis.