archaic michigan laws

          Connecticut: Gender identity protected in all employment[88]           Tennessee: Gender identity protected in all employment[104]           Louisiana: Sexual orientation and gender identity no longer protected in state employment[103] 1992: California: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20] 1999: Iowa: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[60] [15], In 2017, the Trump administration, through the Department of Justice, reversed the Obama-era policy which used Title VII to protect transgender employees from discrimination.[16].           Louisiana: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[56] 1990: Colorado: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[53]           Massachusetts: Gender identity protected in state employment[85] A simple majority vote in Congress would be effective in reversing the decision by the Court and overruling their interpretation of Title VII. [127] Further, the Court extended their argument by claiming that there was no legal argument for refusing same-sex couples the right to marry in any state.           Oregon: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[76] Patrick signs transgender rights bill", "Puerto Rico Bans Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination in Employment", "Delaware Enacts Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Act to Extend Employment Discrimination Protections Based on Gender Identity", "Governor McAuliffe Signs Executive Order Number 1 Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity", "BREAKING: O'Malley signs Md.           Virginia: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[71] Clinton acknowledged its limitations in a statement:[6]. 2017: Indiana: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[102]           Michigan: Gender identity protected in state employment[75] [115] By using statutory interpretation in the majority opinion, the Court in Price Waterhouse expanded the interpretation of Title VII to “establish liability if a plaintiff proved sex was a “motivating” or “substantial” factor in a decision based on a mix of legitimate and illegitimate factors”.[115]. Cultivating 35 grams or more is a Class C felony, which is punishable by a sentence of three to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of $10,000. Urge your state legislators to support taxing and regulating marijuana! LGBT employment discrimination in the United States is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is encompassed by the law's prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of sex.Prior to the landmark cases Bostock v.Clayton County, Georgia and R.G. McCrory signs executive order addressing HB2 concerns", "Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Signs Executive Directive Protecting LGBTQ State Employees", "Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Signs Executive Order Protecting LGBTQ State Employees", "Executive Order: 2016-04–Equal Employment Opportunity", "Kelly reinstates protections for LGBT state workers in Kansas eliminated by Brownback", Missouri governor sets new discrimination policy, 'Gay rights' proponents, foes to debate ordinance tonight 'Sexual orientation' back in spotlight at Providence hearing, Memorandum -- Rhode Island -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination, Targeting Gays and Lesbians: Ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans, Louisiana -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination, Memorandum: Maryland -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination, "New Hampshire Chief Signs Gay Rights Bill", Delaware Registrar of Regulations, Volume 4, Issue 9, Memorandum: Montana -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination, The State of the Workplace for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans 2002, Granholm extends protections to LGBT state employees, Rendell broadens protection against gender-identity bias, Indiana Extends Job Protections to Transgender State Employees, Fletcher's True Colors: Equal Opportunity for Some, Kansas governor signs executive order banning employment discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Governor prohibits discrimination in state employment on the basis of gender identity, expression, Sexual orientation, gender identity discrimination unlawful in Oregon, Kentucky Governor bans discrimination for sexual orientation/gender identity, " – Corner of Hollywood and Gay", "Executive Order Number Eight - Our continuing commitment to equal opportunity hiring standards and best practices of human resources management in the executive branch", Gov. With its passage, the right of Missouri patients to safely access medical marijuana was officially enshrined in the state constitution.With a physician’s approval, a patient may qualify for medical marijuana if they have been diagnosed with any of the following conditions: Home cultivation is permitted for caregivers and qualified patients who apply for and receive a cultivation card. 2015: Kansas: Sexual orientation and gender identity no longer protected in state employment[95] 1998: New Hampshire: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[59]           Utah: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[96] Although archaic, single shot pistols are still available today for big game hunting purposes.           Ohio: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[46] 2019: Wisconsin: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[38]           Kansas: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[73] Jay Nixon signed into law the Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill, allowing the use of CBD oil to treat persistent seizures. In Bostock v. Clayton County, Gerald Bostock, an employee of Clayton County, Georgia, expressed interest in participating in a gay recreational softball league in 2013. It was not for years that a president did in fact establish an executive order in order to protect LGBT discrimination in the work force.           New Hampshire: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[101]           Louisiana: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[56] The southwestern United States, also known as the American Southwest or simply the Southwest, is a geographic and cultural region of the United States that generally includes Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent portions of California, Colorado, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah.The largest cities by metropolitan area are Phoenix, Las Vegas, El Paso, Albuquerque, and Tucson. Pocatello passed this law after an exceptionally hard winter as a little joke and somehow managed to remain on the books. ... Perhaps archaic acts like mass sacrifice were a contributing factor to the civilizations eventual collapse. Prior to the landmark cases Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia and R.G.           Pennsylvania: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[106] Shutterstock. The eight-year project by McMaster University and Brock University shows Indian Band Election Regulations, Indian Referendum Regulations and First Nations Elections Act Regulations don't let some communities decide how they want to run their own elections and … The Missouri Legislature is also considering a long list of cannabis-related bills, including some to regulate and tax cannabis. [125] By using a broad understanding of 'equal protection' in the majority opinion, the Court extended the protections of the Constitution to include the LGBTQ community and set a precedent, yet again, for future cases. 2006: District of Columbia: Gender identity protected in all employment[20] Neighboring states have passed laws permitting medical use of marijuana, de-criminalizing petty offenses, and even legalizing the recreational use of the plant. 2014: Virginia: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[93] [12][13] On July 31, 2014, Obama also signed Executive Order 13673, "Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces," requiring companies with large federal contracts to prove their compliance with labor laws;[14] this executive order, however, was revoked by President Trump on March 27, 2017. Questioning the Definition of "Sex" in Title VII: Bostock v. Clayton County, GA.           Alabama: Gender identity protected in all employment[89] transgender", "Brownback rescinds executive order that offered protections on basis of sexual orientation", "S.B. The name comes from the Latin word for "assembly". "[11], On July 21, 2014, President Obama signed Executive Order 13672, adding "gender identity" to the categories protected against discrimination in hiring in the federal civilian workforce and both "sexual orientation" and gender identity" to the categories protected against discrimination in hiring and employment on the part of federal government contractors and sub-contractors. Harris Funeral Homes v EEOC & Aimee Stephens", "BREAKING: Mississippi wants US Supreme Court to define transgender rights", "Supreme Court to Decide Whether Bias Law Covers Gay and Transgender Workers", "Executive Order -- Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity", "Obama signs edict banning discrimination against federal LGBT employees", "Trump Rolls Back Protections for LGBTQ Workers, Despite Recent Promises", "Sessions' DOJ reverses transgender workplace protections", "A History of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act - Center for American Progress", "The Justice Department's LGBTQ Employees Denounced Alleged Discrimination In The Agency", "Franken, Klobuchar sponsor workplace non-discrimination act", "Markell signs transgender rights bill into law", "Hawaii's Trans Workplace Nondiscrimination Bill Goes To Governor's Desk", "Michigan Civil Rights Commission Affirms LGBTQ Protections", "Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission will allow LGBTQ people to file discrimination complaints", "Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Releases Guidance on Sex-Based Discrimination under the Pennsylvania Fair Education Opportunities Act", "Gov. Title VII does not explicitly protect against sexual orientation discrimination, but Judge Kollar-Kotelly's ruling leaves that a person could bring a claim under Title VII's ban on sex discrimination because an employer views an employee's sexual orientation as "not consistent with acceptable gender roles. 2018: Kentucky: Gender identity protected in all employment[104] 2008: In Missouri v. Cox, the state Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s rejection of a patient’s medical necessity defense because the legislature had already expressed its intent by placing marijuana in Schedule I, even though statute allowed the dispensing of Schedule I substances by certain professionals. 2008: In Missouri v.Cox, the state Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s rejection of a patient’s medical necessity defense because the legislature had already expressed its intent by placing marijuana in Schedule I, even though statute allowed the dispensing of Schedule I substances by certain professionals. Cultivating 35 grams or less is a Class E felony, which is punishable by up to four years of imprisonment and a maximum fine of $10,000. Elsewhere in the world, many of the knives sold and used daily in the United States are illegal or severely restricted and the restrictions are growing every day. The gun control laws are almost good enough to keep schools and Americans safe. "[5] Clinton's Executive Order 13087 in 1998 prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the competitive service of the federal civilian workforce.           Rhode Island: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20]           Georgia: Gender identity protected in all employment[89]           Nevada: Gender identity protected in all employment[87] When U.S. citizens vote for president and vice President every election cycle, ballots show … 2020: Virginia: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[107][108], Many large companies provide equal rights and benefits to their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees, as measured by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) through its Corporate Equality Index. 1989: Massachusetts: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20] [126] The majority held the prohibition against same-sex marriage from multiple states as unconstitutional and reflected both the judicial precedent and historical reasoning approach in their ruling. These handguns were generally labeled as “pocket pistols” because of their ability to conceal. By 2007, discrimination based on gender identity had been added to the law as well. [21][22] Currently, twenty-three states, the District of Columbia, and at least 400 cities and counties have enacted bans on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.           Louisiana: Sexual orientation no longer protected in state employment[78] Carter, K. (2020). Constitutional interpretation is when the Court determines the constitutionality of a bill, act, statute, law, etc. 2002: Alaska: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[65] Two states Michigan[31] and Pennsylvania,[32][33] have acquired such protections through executive orders, court rulings or binding decisions by their respective civil rights commissions. 1991: Connecticut: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20] N.H.: Senate rejects home grow bill in 15-9 vote ... Minnesota House of Representatives votes to legalize cannabis! 1983: New York: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[45] Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[35] Intractable migraines unresponsive to other treatment, Conditions that cause persistent pain or muscle spasms, including MS, Parkinson’s disease, and Tourette’s syndrome, Debilitating psychiatric disorders such as PTSD, A chronic medical condition normally treated with prescription medication that can lead to dependence, when a physician determines that medical marijuana could be an effective and safer treatment.           Hawaii: Gender identity protected in all employment[86]           Oregon: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[52] [123] In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Texas law, which prohibited engaging with a member of your sex in a sexual act, made its way to the Supreme Court where they struck down the law because of its violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The report also found 89% of Fortune 500 businesses have non-discrimination policies on the basis of sexual orientation, while 66% of Fortune 500 businesses have non-discrimination policies on the basis of gender identity. 1979: California: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[44] These 10 Crazy Laws in Pennsylvania Will Leave You Scratching Your Head In Wonder. & G.R.           New York: Gender identity protected in state employment[81] [117] The Court ruled unanimously that all discrimination based on sex was in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act regardless of the victim’s gender. [121] The argument consisted of analyzing the broad meaning of “because of sex” and looking at the dictionary definition of “homosexual.”[121] Because of this statutory groundwork, Bostock argues that discriminating against an employee for their sexual orientation “requires an employer to intentionally treat individual employees differently because of their sex,” and thus, is able to convince the Court to rule that sexual orientation discrimination violates the protections laid out in Title VII. The Comitium (Italian: Comizio) was the original open-air public meeting space of Ancient Rome, and had major religious and prophetic significance. 2020: Missourians for a New Approach submit petition language and begin signature gathering campaign but are ultimately forced to stop due to the COVID-19 outbreak.           Hawaii: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20]           New York: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20] (2000). 2013: Puerto Rico: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[91]           Rhode Island: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[48][49] In 1995, President Bill Clinton's Executive Order 12968 establishing criteria for the issuance of security clearances included sexual orientation for the first time in its non-discrimination language: "The United States Government does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation in granting access to classified information." ... Michigan. Resources; Election Information; Presidential Elections; The Electoral College; The Electoral College.           Maryland: Gender identity protected in all employment[94]           Maryland: Gender identity protected in state employment[74] Medical marijuana is legal for registered patients. & G.R. 2009: Delaware: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[79]           Rhode Island: Gender identity protected in all employment[20] At the start of 2010, the Obama administration included gender identity among the classes protected against discrimination under the authority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).           Kentucky: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[67] The Executive Order states Administration policy but does not and cannot create any new enforcement rights (such as the ability to proceed before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).           Minnesota: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[54]           Florida: Gender identity protected in all employment[89] States are jockeying to create more advantageous NIL laws than their rivals, one-upping each other in what’s turned into a bit of a chaotic race. [41], The remaining states do not offer any type of discrimination protections for the LGBT community at the state level, although some cities and localities have passed their own ordinances within these states. Voters approved Amendment 2 in 2018 to establish a medical marijuana program.Marijuana possession has been decriminalized. [42], 1972: No LGBT civil rights at the state level, although the first local protections were enacted this year in Michigan (in East Lansing and Ann Arbor).           Maine: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment[20]           Pennsylvania: Gender identity protected in state employment[69] Its conclusion is based on a set of studies that show that lesbians and gay men who have come out at work report lower levels of anxiety, less conflict between work and personal life, greater job satisfaction, more sharing of employers' goals, higher levels of satisfaction with their co-workers, more self-esteem, and better physical health.[112].           Maryland: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20] & G.R. [125], The landmark LGBTQ rights case came in 2015 with the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that guaranteed Fourteenth Amendment protections and liberties to same-sex couples. As the state’s medical cannabis program continues to expand, thanks to voters’ approval of Amendment 2 in 2018, activists are beginning to mobilize around a push to legalize cannabis for adults through a 2022 ballot initiative. (2009).           Delaware: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[61] Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.It is the world's largest religion, with about 2.4 billion followers. As you can see, the laws are one-sided and mostly favor men, as they were deemed to be the breadwinners of the family, and had the right to choose their heirs. 2008: Kentucky: Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment[77] [120] Bostock lays out his argument using the plain-text approach of statutory interpretation that the Court agrees with and rules in his favor. In Price Waterhouse, the plaintiff, Ann Hopkins, sued her employer when her proposal for partnership was dismissed and claimed it was because of her being a woman. [109] Each year, corporations send thousands of employees to the Out & Equal Regional Summit, a conference that aims to create a more inclusive work environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees. It applied to employees of the government of the District of Columbia and the United States Postal Service and to civilian employees of the armed forces, but not to certain excepted services, such as the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A couple married legally under Canadian law, Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer, moved to New York where their marriage was recognized but when filing taxes for the federal government, the United States did not recognize their marriage. All right reserved. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission during the 2019-2020 term. [34], Furthermore, 10 U.S. states have an executive order, administrative order, or personnel regulation prohibiting discrimination in public employment only based on either sexual orientation or gender identity: Indiana, Ohio,[35] Kentucky, Montana, North Carolina,[36] Michigan,[37] Wisconsin,[38] Pennsylvania,[39] Virginia and Kansas. | Case Brief for Law School | LexisNexis", "Bostock v. Clayton County and Implications for Title VII Litigation", "Bostock v. Clayton County, 590 U.S. ___ (2020)", Employment Discrimination Against Bisexuals: An Empirical Study, Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. [9] The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case as R.G. |.           New Jersey: Sexual orientation protected in all employment[20]           Missouri: Sexual orientation protected in state employment[83]